Advertisers are almost certainly wondering what marketing opportunities are available with Pokémon Go. Since being released by the gaming companies, Niantic and Nintendo, Pokémon Go has taken the world by storm, reaching all generations, cultures, genders and races. Its innovative, virtual reality setup encourages users to stay active while playing a game that had previously been synonymous with sitting on the couch. Less than a week after its release, the app reported 21 million daily active users, making Pokémon Go the most popular mobile game in U.S. history. To put this statistic into perspective, Pokémon Go’s daily active users has blown past Twitter and is quickly closing in on Snapchat and Google Maps.

Subsequently, small businesses have taken advantage of the game’s popularity by purchasing “lures,” which increase the amount of Pokémon in their area, drawing in potential customers. Niantic’s CEO, John Hanke, has promised that larger advertising opportunities are on the way in the form of “sponsored locations.” Aside from Pokémon, the game’s maps will include paid advertising and special offers that encourage users to visit specific locations. Pokémon Go’s popularity has formed a movement; advertisers and brands would be smart to hop on board.